26 July, 2013

"Don't talk to strangers"

Walking home from my work (in the middle of the night), I always pass a bar. And the other day, waiting for the traffic light to turn green, a middle-aged man who had just came out of there started talking to me. We walked in the same direction for about 10 minutes, and my initial thoughts were those of how I'll get robbed and should make a run while I can. This didn't happen. No, we just had a wee chit chat with this man, who's name was David (ironically), and then parted our ways. Funnily enough, he said "see you soon" instead of "bye", and then a couple of days later I ran into him again – this time in the middle of the day, I was walking to work and he was cycling back home from his. Both of us had a good laugh about how our ways meet and we'll probably see each other around sooner or later.

via paperbagblog
When we're little, we always get told: don't talk to srangers. People you don't know can be dangerous so it's always better to opt for the safe thing and stay away. And of course, it works well for children. The problem is, we sometimes carry this on into the adult lives, isolating ourselves from what could be some interesting conversations. After all, we all start as strangers, don't we?

Then again, to be fair, there's a huge difference between here and from where I'm from. It took me a while to get used to the fact that if someone you don't know sparks up a conversation with you, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're drunk, or nuts. They might just be, you know... friendly. And so I'm learning to be like that as well, more social and open. We'll see how it goes.

via Little Winter
In other news: quite a few bloggers, for example, Christina and Katy, really make me want to visit Brighton. So guess who's already dreaming of next summer while this one hasn't ended yet!

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